jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Country !

Which country would you like to go to? ...I have never thought this question before, perhaps I can only think about a place but it’s so hard to decide in which country is located. i will start describing my dreamed place and then I will put my bullet in one country of this big world!.

Since I was little I always spent my time, those "times" when your mind is flying, thinking about my house and how it would be living on it. Sounds kind of creepy but is true. also with my boyfriend we have talked about how many animals we will have and those kind of stuff XD.

i used to imaging a big Mediterranean house, huge light yellow columns with a thousand of windows where you can be able to see the most beautiful country side. of course I will have a enormous amount of pets and wild animals in my back yard like dogs, cats, horses, cows, chickens, rabbits and if I could I would have a zebra!. About neighbors I would prefer not having them, may be a couple so we can arrange barbecues and parties.

About my professional work, as a veterinarian, I will work in my farm making it every day more beautiful and complete as my lovely animals requires. They will never be sick and they will never be sad or hungry. My animals will be my main issue and I will work for them.

Taking into account all the description of my future life I think my dreamed place would be located in the country side of the Italy`s shore. Perfect place, perfect weather and the most important perfect Italian food and wine :D

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010


My dear dear transantiago, i just used you for 1 year but i think im able to say a lot of things about you!
When i put my first step on you i was a little bit naive, thinking that it would be nice and exciting, what a lie i was saying XD... just a out of towner could say that!
At the begining everything came out good, i didnt have any problem at all.i got lost a couple times but anything else....like in my hometown Ovalle where everybody is polite and nothing really happens .But when the time was passing by i started to realize why people hatted it so much. i opened my eyes!
i started to see thiefs, rude people, crowed buses, swearing, etc. i have never been robbed and everytime i took a bus i thought that everybody wanted to rob me. it was a stressing time for me and for my parents.
i never met the "yellow buses" but what i have heard is that it was worst than transantiago. what a deal!
i cannot imagine something worst than that!
i always think about what the goverment can do about it. They should put more vigilance at the bus stops because dangerous people wait there until the "prey" gets there (mostly students and old people). Also, more vigilance inside the bus where the people can be robbed so easily. maybe with those two changes the security of the users of transantiago could change :D

In my opinion i think, besides the changes listed above, that if we start to change our behavior on the buses like being polite, not arguing or not yelling to the bus driver or to the people, we can change the other people`s behavior. making a quiet and relaxing atmosphere.

Dont you think that?                     

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

sesion 1

How can i explain my last semester???!!! Almost horrible!!!! i was soo excited about my second year in college because i missed all my friends and my boyfriend :D i wanted to go everywhere and do everything i could..i don’t know ...i think like everyone else in this earth! But the big BUT was that our schedule was so stuffed that we didn’t have time for anything :( new teachers, new classroom, new subjects. i was so collapsed on finals!! i needed a big B+  on anatomy, i couldn’t sleep in the whole semester thinking about it !!! i didn’t want to fail so bad. But with the power that came from somewhere haha maybe doctor house XD i finally passed!
however, in spite of the stress i did go out and i DID HAVE FUN :D the big price i got for a good semester ( I passed everything :D) my dad bought me a car !!! i love it , it’s so big and comfortable. I said, or better, i yelled good bye to those smelly and dangerous buses. i was so happy! The best part was when my parents put theirs show skills on the table..They lied so good! i never saw it coming haha they made a big confusing situation and suddenly my mom showed up in some car i didn’t know , of course that was the gift!!!
in conclusion, im not able to say that my semester was horrible, was just the begining . i did everything i have planned on summer :D all my expectations were accomplished....
