sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Shelter the tuna!

We need to talk about the enviroment and how we have to take care about the nature and all the large amount of species that live on it.
According to the Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2010/nov/18/bluefin-tuna-overfishing), several species have minimized their population due to global warming (weather changes) and overexploitation.
One specie from this large list of species in danger is the tuna fish: atlantic bluefin tuna, owners of an amazing biology that permits them to dive down to 1,000m and run through the water at unspecting speeds, migrating thousands of kilometres across the ocean each year. 
Also, the “Enviroment” article from the newspaper said that the tuna population has declined more than 80% from 1970, based on recent studies by fisheries scientist. Underlining the collapse of the specie.
The deplotion of the specie has primarly been due to the overfarming embrased by the lucrative global market of sushi and sashimi, encouraged also by politicals agreements, rather, the lack of protective agreeements. However, and organism tryies to protect and regulate the overfishing:
CITIES (Convention on intennational trade in endangered spieces of wild fauna and flora). Nonetheless, this organism cannot be able to renegociate the proposal that they gave to save the specie, because was denied for economics influences.
In the other hand, the main countries involucrated in the crisis of tuna washed their hands and forget  guiltiness leading the responsability to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) arguing that they have decide how to take matters into the issue even though it has consistently failed in the past.
In conclusion, Countries have to take some responsability into the issue and make some changes in farming with ICCAT. Every act of our political leaders have consequences, use their powers to fight against the overfarming! we not need a planet for ourself, we have to share it and take care of the other species.

1 comentario:

  1. We need to talk about the enviroment and how we have to take care about the nature and all the large amount of species that live on it.
    According to the Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2010/nov/18/bluefin-tuna-overfishing), several species have minimized their population due to global warming (weather changes) and overexploitation.
    One specie from this large list of species in danger is the tuna fish: atlantic bluefin tuna, owners of an amazing biology that permits them to dive down to 1,000m and run through the water at unspecting speeds, migrating thousands of kilometres across the ocean each year.
    Also, the “Enviroment” article from the newspaper said that the tuna population has declined more than 80% from 1970, based on recent studies by fisheries scientist. Underlining the collapse of the specie.
    The deplotion of the specie has primarly been due to the overfarming embrased by the lucrative global market of sushi and sashimi, encouraged also by politicals agreements, rather, the lack of protective agreeements. However, and organism tryies to protect and regulate the overfishing:
    CITIES (Convention on intennational trade in endangered spieces of wild fauna and flora). Nonetheless, this organism cannot be able to renegociate the proposal that they gave to save the specie, because was denied for economics influences.
    WW In the other hand, the main countries WW involucrated in the crisis of tuna washed their hands and forget guiltiness leading the responsability to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) arguing that they have decide how to take matters into the issue even though it has consistently failed in the past.
    In conclusion, Countries have to take some responsability into the issue and make some changes in farming with ICCAT. Every act of our political leaders have consequences, use their powers to fight against the overfarming! we not need a planet for ourself, we have to share it and take care of the other species.

    According to what I read as well we will be out of fish in 30 years! I love tuna! it's really worrying
