domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

struggling for love

Currently, being a veterinarian is not easy. Before I took the decision to study this career my family tried to convince me to not study medicine veterinarian but i wanted it so bad that im studing it anyways :D Everybody nows that we are not going to become rich with this profesion but I personaly believe that if your heart is happy you can acomplish anything you want.(including economics plans).
However…Which are the major disadvantanges in our career? 

The first topic I´m going to talk about is Technology. As we are awared, we dont have the best implementation in our faculty, we are short of computers and medical suplies. What i meant with medical suplies is that our medical surgery rooms are not fully equipped. The few high tech devices that exist are not enough for the amount of students. However, the machine can make it easier but you are not going to be a fulled profesional if you dont understand what the machine is doing for you, based on technology is a tool isn´t the veterinarian. This issue would be solved if our faculty destine more money for the cause and buy better equipment.

About Social Matters I think our entire university (including all the careers) is commited with the society needs. I think our university makes us not just a good veterinarians, makes us selfconscious humans, worried about the animals and the society. The last thing they want from us is to charge for our medical services. However, we have in the other hand the consecuences from the battle against the system, we have to lose hours from class and recover them later. I think this is a very sensible issue because it cannot be solved with money only with justice and I think we are too far from that XD.

Finally, about Education I have to accept that is not enough with just a pre-professional degree, we as veterinarian cannot afford the life status we studied for (if you are lucky you will). That is why we never finish to study!. We have to specialize our careers and struggle for better jobs. That is the big fight!. This issue would be easier if our country give us a major prestige and valorize the career.
In spite of all the disadvantages i will always keep my love for the career

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