miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Self-Evaluation 2010


As students we have to become the best veterinarians in the world and transform this world into something really different with our knowledge and professionalism. However, I think is not necessary to compress a full school year without thinking about the students and their mental health. The stress is covering us and the time is not enough to prove our skills in the career. It is not fair that we want to learn in the good way and they (from above) just want to finish the year the most quickly as possible. 
Today, Wednesday of December 8th I will look backwards and make a self-evaluation of my academic year and try to describe why I nominate this year as the hardest year of my life but not the worst.  :D                                                                             
The third semester of the career, March to June of 2010, we did not start very well due to the earth quake that hit our southern lands. However, I am very proud of my faculty because delayed our classes to be involucrate in social activities with the cause. So due to that we knew we were not having 2 weeks of winter break.  Also, adding the fact that I was not well positioned in anatomy. Anatomy was  my biggest problem of the semester, I passed it though. 
In spite of that we haven’t already finished the 4th semester I am able to talk a “few” things about it. I profoundly don’t like any subject because all of them are so hard and difficult I cannot even rescue one. We have a schedule so stuffed and unchanging due to the students strike against the education reform that you are not able to miss any quiz or test because you will die if you do. So all the finals are compressed in only 2 weeks (that is unhumane)

That makes me think that this currently semester is the hardest one between the past 4.  However, the only thing I can rescue is the support from my friends and family. They have always been present and have surprised me with their love and care. The whole year may seem horrible and I don’t deny it but your friends and family can make it softer.                 
The stress accumulated can be worked and I think we just need  a better coordination on our schedule and also class representatives that work for our good.

1 comentario:

  1. As students we have to become the best veterinarians in the world and transform this world into something really different with our knowledge and professionalism. However, I think is not necessary to compress a full school year without thinking about the students and their mental health. The stress is covering us and the time is not enough to prove our skills in the career. It is not fair that we want to learn in the good way and they (from above) just want to finish the year the most quickly as possible.
    Today, Wednesday of December 8th I will look backwards and make a self-evaluation of my academic year and try to describe why I nominate this year as the hardest year of my life but not the worst. :D
    The third semester of the career, March to June of 2010, we did not start very well due to the earth quake that hit our southern lands. However, I am very proud of my faculty because delayed our classes to be involucrate in social activities with the cause. So due to that we knew we were not having 2 weeks of winter break. Also, adding the fact that I was not well positioned in anatomy. Anatomy was my biggest problem of the semester, I passed it though.
    In spite of that we haven’t already finished the 4th semester I am able to talk a “few” things about it. I profoundly don’t like any subject because all of them are so hard and difficult I cannot even rescue one. We have a schedule so stuffed and unchanging due to the students strike against the education reform that you are not able to miss any quiz or test because you will die if you do. So all the finals are compressed in only 2 weeks (that is unhumane)

    That makes me think that this currently semester is the hardest one between the past 4. However, the only thing I can rescue is the support from my friends and family. They have always been present and have surprised me with their love and care. The whole year may seem horrible and I don’t deny it but your friends and family can make it softer.
    The stress accumulated can be worked and I think we just need a better coordination on our schedule and also class representatives that work for our good
    I'm sure you can do things better with friends around you.
