jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Death Penalty

....It is fair that someone can take your life away under consent of law?
.....Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth?
.....Would you make a difference after you do it?

These questions came to my mind making me realize how hard and controversial this topic is. Would you imaging that? Watch in front of you your husband or father or some family member dying? Watching the person who is really murdering? I can’t believe the existence of death penalty.
We are not on the 1800s anymore, people have rights and taking their life away is not the solution, we can make the difference avoiding it from the beginning… how can I explain myself… start thinking why people can deserve that, what he or she have done to deserve it to work it out so we can prevent the felony. We should go to the streets! And do something now not later when is too late. Education, respect, conscience should be on top, I know that is almost utopian but I personally believe that is the right way we can make the difference.
 However, I’m not forgetting why punishment exists, I believe on it but I think that death penalty is far away from punishment. When the society chastises you, you learn from it but when society kills you, you don’t have the chance to change.
Would you give a chance?

1 comentario:

  1. These questions came to my mind making me realize how hard and controversial this topic is. Would you imaging that? Watch in front of you your husband or father or some family member dying? Watching the person who is really murdering? I can’t believe the existence of death penalty.
    We are not on the 1800s anymore, people have rights and taking their WF life away is not the solution, we can make the difference avoiding it from the beginning… how can I explain myself… start thinking why people can deserve that, what he or she have done to deserve it to work it out so we can prevent the felony. We should go to the streets! And do something now not later when is too late. Education, respect, conscience should be on top, I know that is almost utopian but I personally believe that is the right way we can make the difference.
    However, I’m not forgetting why punishment exists, I believe on it but I think that death penalty is far away from punishment. When the society WF chastises you, you learn from it but when society kills you, you don’t have the chance to change.
    Would you give a chance?

    very good! I can see you are "loosing" your hand when you are writing now...keep going that way!
