miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Favourite animal :D

It is so hard to pick just one animal... I will make an effort and choose one from my big list of favourite animals.
In this opportunity I will choose the imposing Chilean horse instead of my other favourite animal (zebra) because I think I have a closer relationship. Ever since I was born I felt we were related, my dad always talked me about them, about the beauty and the way they behave. I think they are so intelligent and I love their temperament.
I chose specifically the Chilean horse because they have the perfect size and beautiful endings on their legs, forehead and croup. I am able to waste my whole daytime looking at them, how they run or just how they live. I am so lucky to have 12 of them in my own back yard (only Chilean) I owe it all to my dad, he loves them too =) we share the same love.
Me and Rico Tuto

However, just one horse took my attention and love in my life, his name was “Rico Tuto” and I say was because he passed the way 4 years ago in a accident L it was a extremely hard and sad situation. My dad was riding him, he went down in a hole between 2 rocks breaking his leg L I think this is the first time I talk about him because everytime I think about it I broke on tears.
 He was light bay, a big stallion and extremely skilled. He lived his life for Chilean Rodeo, one of the best of the area and I’m proud to say that he was a Champion!

My love for these animals brought me here; these are some of the big reasons why I want to become a veterinarian. I will study them when I finish college and of course, work with them. I cannot imagine me studying something else. They are my passion!

2 comentarios:

  1. hahah what's up Pincheira? :P you look great riding :D I love you :D

  2. s so hard to pick just one animal... I will make an effort and choose one from my big list of favourite animals.
    In this opportunity I will choose the imposing Chilean horse instead of my other favourite animal (zebra) because I think I have a closer relationship. Ever since I was born I felt we were related, my dad always talked me about them, about the beauty and the way they behave. I think they are so intelligent and I love their temperament.
    I chose specifically the Chilean horse because they have the perfect size and beautiful endings on their legs, forehead and croup. I am able to waste my whole daytime looking at them, how they run or just how they live. I am so lucky to have 12 of them in my own back yard (only Chilean) I owe it all to my dad, he loves them too =) we share the same love.

    Me and Rico Tuto

    However, just one horse took my attention and love in my life, his name was “Rico Tuto” and I say was because he passed the way 4 years ago in a accident L it was a extremely hard and sad situation. My dad was riding him, he went down in a hole between 2 rocks breaking his leg L I think this is the first time I talk about him because everytime I think about it I broke on tears.
    He was light bay, a big stallion and extremely skilled. He lived his life for Chilean Rodeo, one of the best of the area and I’m proud to say that he was a Champion!

    My love for these animals brought me here; these are some of the big reasons why I want to become a veterinarian. I will study them when I finish college and of course, work with them. I cannot imagine me studying something else. They are my passion!

    well done! very interesting as well. Have you thought where would you like to work?
