viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

i recommend you... CHILE

Are you visiting Chile? Canadian?, American ? German?, Chinese? Or any foreigner?
I have your solution :D! angelito`s schedule!!!!
I would advice you about the best and beautiful places of our country, but in this session I will only provide you information about the Capital of Chile....SANTIAGO
Santiago was founded by Spanish Conquistador Pedro de Valdivia on February 12th of 1541 so you will see a big influence of Spanish infraestructure but also you will see a modern side of the city not forgeting either the countryside view that you would be able to feel it through the food and wine.
• I recommend you some green areas like: San Cristobal and Santa Lucia hill, O´higgins and Padre Hurtado park where you are able to make picnic, barbecue or anything you want to do to relax yourself ( walk around, cycling, soccer, etc).
• For the bohemians! I have to recommend you “Barrio Bellavista” where the night is not enough or “La Piojera”
• Do you want to experience some extreme activities? You can visit Las Vizcachas where you can do bungee jumping or sky diving.
• Culinary activities: for the vegetarian exits the restaurant “el Huerto” located in the downtown of Providencia or “Naturista” located in the big downtown of Santiago.
For meat lovers I recommend you fancy restorants like “Giratorio”, “Eladio”, “El Parron” or for the lovers of fast food (good one) the classic “Fuente Alemana” or “Dominò”
I hope you enjoy your stand in Santiago and VIVA CHILE!.

1 comentario:

  1. Are you visiting Chile?WF Canadian?, American ? German?, Chinese? Or any foreigner?
    I have your solution :D! angelito`s schedule!!!!
    I would advice you about the best and beautiful places of our country, but in this session I will only provide you information about the Capital of Chile....SANTIAGO
    Santiago was founded by Spanish Conquistador Pedro de Valdivia on February 12th of 1541 so you will see a big influence of Spanish infraestructure but also you will see a modern side of the city not SP either the countryside view that you would be able to feel it through the food and wine.
    • I recommend you some green areas like: San Cristobal and Santa Lucia hill, O´higgins and Padre Hurtado park where you are able to make picnic, barbecue or anything you want to do to relax yourself ( walk around, cycling, soccer, etc).
    • For the bohemians! I have to recommend you “Barrio Bellavista” where the night is not enough or “La Piojera”......
    • Do you want to experience some extreme activities? You can visit Las Vizcachas where you can do bungee jumping or sky diving.
    • Culinary activities: for the vegetarian exits the restaurant “el Huerto” located in the downtown of Providencia or “Naturista” located in the big downtown of Santiago.
    For meat lovers I recommend you fancy restorants like “Giratorio”, “Eladio”, “El Parron” or for the lovers of fast food (good one) the classic “Fuente Alemana” or “Dominò”
    I hope you enjoy your stand in Santiago and VIVA CHILE!.

    very interesting suggestions! particularly the restaurant ones
