miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Self-Evaluation 2010


As students we have to become the best veterinarians in the world and transform this world into something really different with our knowledge and professionalism. However, I think is not necessary to compress a full school year without thinking about the students and their mental health. The stress is covering us and the time is not enough to prove our skills in the career. It is not fair that we want to learn in the good way and they (from above) just want to finish the year the most quickly as possible. 
Today, Wednesday of December 8th I will look backwards and make a self-evaluation of my academic year and try to describe why I nominate this year as the hardest year of my life but not the worst.  :D                                                                             
The third semester of the career, March to June of 2010, we did not start very well due to the earth quake that hit our southern lands. However, I am very proud of my faculty because delayed our classes to be involucrate in social activities with the cause. So due to that we knew we were not having 2 weeks of winter break.  Also, adding the fact that I was not well positioned in anatomy. Anatomy was  my biggest problem of the semester, I passed it though. 
In spite of that we haven’t already finished the 4th semester I am able to talk a “few” things about it. I profoundly don’t like any subject because all of them are so hard and difficult I cannot even rescue one. We have a schedule so stuffed and unchanging due to the students strike against the education reform that you are not able to miss any quiz or test because you will die if you do. So all the finals are compressed in only 2 weeks (that is unhumane)

That makes me think that this currently semester is the hardest one between the past 4.  However, the only thing I can rescue is the support from my friends and family. They have always been present and have surprised me with their love and care. The whole year may seem horrible and I don’t deny it but your friends and family can make it softer.                 
The stress accumulated can be worked and I think we just need  a better coordination on our schedule and also class representatives that work for our good.

domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

struggling for love

Currently, being a veterinarian is not easy. Before I took the decision to study this career my family tried to convince me to not study medicine veterinarian but i wanted it so bad that im studing it anyways :D Everybody nows that we are not going to become rich with this profesion but I personaly believe that if your heart is happy you can acomplish anything you want.(including economics plans).
However…Which are the major disadvantanges in our career? 

The first topic I´m going to talk about is Technology. As we are awared, we dont have the best implementation in our faculty, we are short of computers and medical suplies. What i meant with medical suplies is that our medical surgery rooms are not fully equipped. The few high tech devices that exist are not enough for the amount of students. However, the machine can make it easier but you are not going to be a fulled profesional if you dont understand what the machine is doing for you, based on technology is a tool isn´t the veterinarian. This issue would be solved if our faculty destine more money for the cause and buy better equipment.

About Social Matters I think our entire university (including all the careers) is commited with the society needs. I think our university makes us not just a good veterinarians, makes us selfconscious humans, worried about the animals and the society. The last thing they want from us is to charge for our medical services. However, we have in the other hand the consecuences from the battle against the system, we have to lose hours from class and recover them later. I think this is a very sensible issue because it cannot be solved with money only with justice and I think we are too far from that XD.

Finally, about Education I have to accept that is not enough with just a pre-professional degree, we as veterinarian cannot afford the life status we studied for (if you are lucky you will). That is why we never finish to study!. We have to specialize our careers and struggle for better jobs. That is the big fight!. This issue would be easier if our country give us a major prestige and valorize the career.
In spite of all the disadvantages i will always keep my love for the career

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Shelter the tuna!

We need to talk about the enviroment and how we have to take care about the nature and all the large amount of species that live on it.
According to the Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2010/nov/18/bluefin-tuna-overfishing), several species have minimized their population due to global warming (weather changes) and overexploitation.
One specie from this large list of species in danger is the tuna fish: atlantic bluefin tuna, owners of an amazing biology that permits them to dive down to 1,000m and run through the water at unspecting speeds, migrating thousands of kilometres across the ocean each year. 
Also, the “Enviroment” article from the newspaper said that the tuna population has declined more than 80% from 1970, based on recent studies by fisheries scientist. Underlining the collapse of the specie.
The deplotion of the specie has primarly been due to the overfarming embrased by the lucrative global market of sushi and sashimi, encouraged also by politicals agreements, rather, the lack of protective agreeements. However, and organism tryies to protect and regulate the overfishing:
CITIES (Convention on intennational trade in endangered spieces of wild fauna and flora). Nonetheless, this organism cannot be able to renegociate the proposal that they gave to save the specie, because was denied for economics influences.
In the other hand, the main countries involucrated in the crisis of tuna washed their hands and forget  guiltiness leading the responsability to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) arguing that they have decide how to take matters into the issue even though it has consistently failed in the past.
In conclusion, Countries have to take some responsability into the issue and make some changes in farming with ICCAT. Every act of our political leaders have consequences, use their powers to fight against the overfarming! we not need a planet for ourself, we have to share it and take care of the other species.

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Many many times people have asked me if  I really like my career or my faculty and I always answer that i love it! I know we don’t have the best faculty of veterinary in the world or even the best infrastructure we need. But if i have to say something about it I would say that is the place where I feel comfortable and free.
In a technical level, some things need a better look from above (you know what i mean). The things that i think need improvement are the number of practical laboratories or field practical activities and the quality that they have. I personally believe in the old saying “Practice makes perfect” of course with a theoretical base added.
Other issue I think is important is the faculty´s surroundings, I think that everybody knows how hard and difficult is for us to take a bus or just be around those dangerous streets. But also I have to mention the value of the security team that is always working for the student´s security. However, the safeness is over when you step outside of the campus. I think this issue is more significant for the major of “La Pintana” and if this topic is solved with cameras of more police vigilance the students and the people of the area would be safe and soothed.
My last topic is the fact that we have to struggle to sit near from the teacher or sit in a place where you are able to hear the class, we are too many inside of the classroom and one teacher is not enough. I think we need to split out in 4 groups so the teaching part would be easier and obviously the students would learn.  I think that is the reason why we are here right???

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

The movie that im going to talk about is AVATAR. before any personal comment i would provide a king of summary so you will understand why i love this movie.
AVATAR was released 1 year ago in chile,  starring Sam WorthingtonZoe SaldanaStephen LangMichelle RodriguezSigourney Weaver, and Joel David Moore. This science fiction movie take place in the planet Pandora. this planet has a special kind of nature: flowers, trees, animals never seen all in strongs and fabulous colors with special effects.

Pandora as our planet has indigenous, however they are not like us : this natives are three times our hight and their skin is blue with green endings. they live from their nature and respect her as a mother.
The drama story begins when ambicious Americans come from Earth and invade this planet searching for a kind of metal (unobtanium) that would make them extremely rich. The invasors provoke a big war against the natives destroying all the nature.
The romantic part of the movie is the prohibited love between one american invasor and the leader´s daughter of the natives ( jack and neitiri) that would make anything to battle and stand up for their love.
Why i love this movie?...3 reasons
i chose it because  the director (James Cameron) tries to give us a message about where the ambition is going to take us, specially United States´s ambition. Also because the special efects it has ( outer space if you watch it on 3D) the movie kind of involve you and make you believe that your are inside the movie! and finaly, because i watched with a person that is important in my life :D
So.. i personaly recommend you this movie and i hope you like if you watch it 

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Favourite animal :D

It is so hard to pick just one animal... I will make an effort and choose one from my big list of favourite animals.
In this opportunity I will choose the imposing Chilean horse instead of my other favourite animal (zebra) because I think I have a closer relationship. Ever since I was born I felt we were related, my dad always talked me about them, about the beauty and the way they behave. I think they are so intelligent and I love their temperament.
I chose specifically the Chilean horse because they have the perfect size and beautiful endings on their legs, forehead and croup. I am able to waste my whole daytime looking at them, how they run or just how they live. I am so lucky to have 12 of them in my own back yard (only Chilean) I owe it all to my dad, he loves them too =) we share the same love.
Me and Rico Tuto

However, just one horse took my attention and love in my life, his name was “Rico Tuto” and I say was because he passed the way 4 years ago in a accident L it was a extremely hard and sad situation. My dad was riding him, he went down in a hole between 2 rocks breaking his leg L I think this is the first time I talk about him because everytime I think about it I broke on tears.
 He was light bay, a big stallion and extremely skilled. He lived his life for Chilean Rodeo, one of the best of the area and I’m proud to say that he was a Champion!

My love for these animals brought me here; these are some of the big reasons why I want to become a veterinarian. I will study them when I finish college and of course, work with them. I cannot imagine me studying something else. They are my passion!

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

i recommend you... CHILE

Are you visiting Chile? Canadian?, American ? German?, Chinese? Or any foreigner?
I have your solution :D! angelito`s schedule!!!!
I would advice you about the best and beautiful places of our country, but in this session I will only provide you information about the Capital of Chile....SANTIAGO
Santiago was founded by Spanish Conquistador Pedro de Valdivia on February 12th of 1541 so you will see a big influence of Spanish infraestructure but also you will see a modern side of the city not forgeting either the countryside view that you would be able to feel it through the food and wine.
• I recommend you some green areas like: San Cristobal and Santa Lucia hill, O´higgins and Padre Hurtado park where you are able to make picnic, barbecue or anything you want to do to relax yourself ( walk around, cycling, soccer, etc).
• For the bohemians! I have to recommend you “Barrio Bellavista” where the night is not enough or “La Piojera”
• Do you want to experience some extreme activities? You can visit Las Vizcachas where you can do bungee jumping or sky diving.
• Culinary activities: for the vegetarian exits the restaurant “el Huerto” located in the downtown of Providencia or “Naturista” located in the big downtown of Santiago.
For meat lovers I recommend you fancy restorants like “Giratorio”, “Eladio”, “El Parron” or for the lovers of fast food (good one) the classic “Fuente Alemana” or “Dominò”
I hope you enjoy your stand in Santiago and VIVA CHILE!.